Midterms begin tomorrow.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
As of Late, What Carmen Has Been Absorbing

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man/Love Letters-James Joyce-As with Ulysses, but to a happily lesser extent, Carmen wasn't blown away by the book, aside from Part III, which is some of the greatest writing the English language has ever seen. Carmen can admire how JJ shows the gestation of the authorial mind and his dealings with the BIG QUESTIONS, but enjoying these things is a very different beast indeed.
Americana-Don Delillo-The first 50 pages of Don Delillo's Underworld make Tolstoy look like Stephanie Meyer. It semi-interesting watch his eventual, incredible voice work its way out in this, his first novel. That said, the second half of the book has no story, and it still manages to be somehow better than most everything out there.
Crack the Skye-Mastodon-This is shaping up to be the best metal album since Tool's flawless Lateralus. Carmen procured a leaked version from CTS, his "in" to the industry and an electronic pirate of sorts. Don't worry, Carmen had already pre-ordered the album, and thus will not be going to hell for stealing the album, but for one billion other unrelated infractions. The Czar explodered Carmen's skull from the outside in.
Merriweather Post-Pavilion-Animal Collective-CP hates hipsters/scene people, but these hipsters/scene people wrote "Brother Sport," "For Reverend Green," and "Fireworks," AND perform under monikers such as Panda Bear.

Carnivale-Carmen will watch anything that presents carnies, magic, side shows, mysticism, and bearded women in any medium, and so should you.
A Leaning Tower, and the Herds of Asian Tourists That Strive to Pantomime Its Support

"Ha."-Jude Warne
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Everything That Rises Must Converge

Big thanks to Mommy & Daddy for footing Carmen's tuition bill and allowing him to present the illusion of going to a hoity-toity high-level learning institution for another semester. It will be added to the endless list of harsh realities averted by some really spectacular parenting and sacrifice. Carmen expresses intense gratitude in all directions. Taking the things we have for granted has grown to pandemic proportions in the Western world, and Carmen is ever mindful of how improbably, mind-bogglingly, statistically-unfeasibly lucky he is, at all times. His cushy, loveflooded life leaves little room for moping. Still, on rare occasions CP finds his thoughts drifting into the hazy penumbra of melancholy and the infinite sadness. And in times such as these, he returns to the frothing wells of fond recollections provided by his very own birthparents that already provide so much. Few things buoy the soul like going back to school day free skates at Winding River with Big Gun, or his Momma tending to him during hallucinatory allergic reactions to Friendly's hot dogs, or performing impromptu renditions of "Like a Stone" by Audioslave with Big Gun on vocals and APR on percussion, or how there was always a perfectly refrigerated Wawa submarine sandwich waiting for him after every, single, day of school, how every episode of Power Rangers was taped sans commercials, how every gift on his demented and scroll-like X-Mas lists was represented regardless of consumer demand. TY.
Monday, February 23, 2009
After The Mourning

Slumdog Millionaire's Oscar domination is a result of a complex and rarely acknowledged zeitgeist within Hollywood. This silent killer is known as: Shakespeare in Love Syndrome (SiLS). Over time, idiocy and sadness and need for mindless satiation begins to tumefy in the hearts of man. Around once a decade this psychological accumulation reaches it's breaking point, i.e. people are so tired of being tired, close-minded, and generally empty inside that they latch onto something that SEEMS to provide a cure to these ailments. In 1998, Twas' Shakespeare in Love. This year it was Slumdog Millionaire. Both films rest on a beyond preposterous narrative crux, both look really pretty, both have a mass appeal, both are complete and utter filth, but Slumdog Millionaire has committed a far greater sin. While SiL is a joke from the onset, SM asserts itself as something more, a comment on destiny and love and escaping the limitations of our world. It is none of these things. The film hinges on such an improbable premise, executed by one-dimensional character whose aging and random insertion into lush, impoverished backgrounds supplants characterization, that destiny can't even factor into the film's equation beyond a narrative device. The film asserts itself as a commentary on poverty in India, but the characters and situation are so entirely unreal and Hollywooded it amounts to a pretty guilt trip if anything, the characters don't play as people but lifeless figurines playing against the backdrop of poverty, pantomiming and sucking the soul out of love and spiritual triumph, running the river of a call to action dry. After SiLS works its slow magic, people are willing to accept even substance-lacking representations of what's important as important, to sit back and absorb and then to come to a resounding agreement about this very fake and in actuality divisive monster, then to celebrate their agreement, not the film itself. Certain times in the course of human history people must simply agree. They must label something as one thing when it is in fact something completely different, and cast a rheumy eye over the thing and silently nod in complete unison. This is what happened. Things like this happen. Don't get yourself down about it.
P.S. Sean Penn's win was not a product of SiLS, but of Hollywood awarding an Oscar not on the merit of the performance but on subject of the performance. His speech was pretty good though. Carmen still hates him.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Two Thousand Nine Oscar Predictions

Who should win, even though a vast majority of nominees shouldn't even be that (nominated).
Best Picture: Milk
Best Director: Gus Van Sant
Best Actor: Mickey Rourke
Best Actress: Anne Hathaway
Best Supporting Actor: Michael Shannon
Best Supporting Actress: Viola Davis
Best Animated Feature: WALL-E
Best Cinematography: TCCOBB
Best Music (song): The Wrestler by Bruce Springsteen
Best Adapted Screenplay: Doubt
Best Original Screenplay: In Bruges
Best Documentary Short: Smile Pinki
Aside: An incredible article about how to save baseball's soul lies here:
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Belated Post: Movieum Highlights
Friday, February 20, 2009
Joden! Joden! (Jews! Jews!)
Beyond Fun Fact: Ajax fans have developed the tradition of using Jewish and Hebrew symbols to express their allegiance. Although the fan-base is almost entirely Gentile, die-hard fans refer to themselves as Joden or "Jews." This, not strangely, has resulted in opposing teams resorting to anti-semantic cheers and paraphernalia when playing AJAX. Enemy chants including and not limited to: "HAMAS, HAMAS" "JEWS INTO THE GAS" and a collective hissing sound that is meant to express leaking gas, as in leaking gas from gas chambers, as in gas chambers from the Holocaust.
Inspired by Ausar but not brash enough to assert his own musical tastes onto the unsuspecting masses a la Ausar, here is a list of what's oozing out of Carmen's speakers as of late:
1. DLZ by TV on the Radio
2. Highway 61 Revisited by Bob Dylan
3. Blood and Thunder by Mastodon
4. Guys Eyes by Animal Collective
5. Shrinking Universe by Muse
6. Cowgirl in the Sand by Neil Young
7. Northern Sky by Nick Drake
8. Hopeless by The Wrens
9. Let Down by Radiohead
10. Starship Trooper: Life Seeker/Disillusion/Wurm by Yes
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tom Cruise: Greatest Actor of All Time or Messiah?

Spurred by an in-London watching of Jerry Maguire, Carmen feels he should list movies that, in ways both good and bad, immediately zombify him with their entertainingness. Zombify as in if he catches the movie on HBO or STARZ out of the corner of his eye he'll saunter over and couch himself and watch the movie to its conclusion, drooling toddlerishly.
1. Jerry Maguire
2. Shaun of the Dead
3. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
4. The Break-Up
5. Snatch
6. About A Boy
7. Casino
8. Collateral
9. Edward Scissorhands
10. Forrest Gump
11. The Matrix
12. Rain Man
13. Ferris Beuller's Day Off
14. Kingpin
15. Broken Arrow
The Gang Goes Red-Coat Sans NS and Thanks Their Lucky Stars (JKNSIRWHPYTFR)

The tube is far superior and infinitely less confuzzling than the NYC subway station, with wall-painted lists of every stop, less lines, and, bizarrely, cleanliness. Pizza Express is omnipresent and heavily crowded and delicious and non-express in every way. Cab drivers drive and conduct themselves humanely. Paul Cezzane got no love from The National Gallery Saturday crowd. The British Museum had mummies! If Carmen didn't want to be cremated and shot into the sun to return as pure light to the earth, he would most def be mummified.

As the picture implies, TCS was in rare form. A special thanks for showing C+S around the city. Can't wait to read your script about the nymphs that inherit the time-traveling motel from the future-past, parallel omniverse grandpa.

Big Ben is even bigger than Ben Roethlisberger, way bigger, like 8x bigger, but like Little Big Ben it knows how to get it done. Parliament is in no way as impressive as Will Zurich.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Roided Out, High, and Good Old Neon

Does Carmen feel bad for Alex Emmanuel Rodriguez and his PED usage? Indeed. Especially considering his juicing contributed to the early 2000's Texas Rangers franchise. Why anyone is outraged at MLBP using steroids is really beyond Carmen. Has anyone ever looked at the amount of 50+ HR players pre-1995 and compared that total to today? DID ANYONE SEE BARRY BONDS HIT 75 HOME RUNS AND DOUBLE IN BODY MASS AT 35 YOA? Carmen's sympathy, for both Alex Emmanuel Rodriguez and Mikey Phelps, doesn't stem from their humanizations in spite of the public's idolatry or their concessive apologizes, it stems from people thinking they can comprehend at all the reasons behind what Alex Emmanuel Rodriguez and Mikey Phelps do. Outside of a heavily marginalized, divinely talented percentage of the population, no one understands how these guys' minds work. So few people have undergone the types of physical, mental, experiential, and familial sacrifices public figures of this caliber have, sacrifices that amount to such divergent paths from the norm that speculation on their mental processes moves into the realm of the abstract. They have unlimited amounts of money, adoration, and universal acceptance and what do they desire: normality, escape, a strain of acceptance so high that we get into golden calf connotations, the apex of the like, that once reached one can only be dragged down by very same force that propelled his ascension. To say that Arod felt "pressured" or Michael Phelps just wanted to "unwind" doesn't even come close to what those two guys actually wanted. These mistakes are so far removed from the normal conception of wrongdoing that the lines of right and wrong cannot even be drawn. Carmen feels bad because the public and the media try to attach reasons to these very complex things, to reduce them and these larger-than-life characters to something less than they really are, when the real reason behind it all is the public and media itself, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Carmen read a story by David Foster Wallace yesterday titled, Good Old Neon, that demands a reorganization of his Top-5 short stories list:
1. Good Old Neon by David Foster Wallace
2. Civilwarland in Bad Decline by George Saunders
3. Emergency by Denis Johnson
4. Little Expressionless Animals by David Foster Wallace
5. The Secret Integration by Thomas Pynchon
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Post-Grammys Speculation As To Who The Antichrist Most Probably Is

Who is the Most-Likely Candidate for Anti-Christ in Today's Unsure World?
1. BO-Carmen likes BO as much as the next media-manipulated pseudo-person, but can one really refute an appeal that broad, his unimpeded ascension during times so trying, the coincidence of his term's culmination and eschaton? Can one?
2. Bono-"Get Your Boots On" is a song and music video of such impossible badness that universal acclaim is only around the corner, again. Yeah, this Irishman with his uni-eyed sunglasses has taken a lot of pictures with starving people, but he's also been writing the same song for the past 25 years with the Edge and Larry. Carmen's all for having sound political views, but when musicians attempt to sway their typically herdish and chowderheaded fans into agreement CP's insides go into Eagle Scout knots. Wow, you figured out that politicians are corrupt, greedy, self-obsessed, megalomaniacal humanoids, here's a Grammy.
3. Michael Bay- If Transformers isn't the equivalent of socio-psychological genocide on a mass scale Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen will be.
4. Post-Devil Without a Cause Kid Rock- Listen to Summer Time.
5. Some Random Guido-....
6. Oprah- Nearly destroyed the reputation of the greatest actor of the modern era, Tom Cruise, while simultaneously stripping the 19-72 year-old female demographic of any and all free thought. She built a one-million dollar school in Africa, then returned to Chicago and her 999 million dollar fortune. If Carmen had 1000 bucks and you asked for one Carmen would give you at least five. COME ON.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Through All The Stubborn Beauty I'd Start At The Dawn Until The Sun Had Fully Stopped Never Walking Away From Just A Way To Pull Apart
Preamble: This post is subject to discontent and SADish ruminations, as it rained for the entirety of Carmen's trip to Milan and his right arm was raped by a half-dozen pigeons.

Here's the sculpture Michaelangelo was working on when he bought the farm and went to that silver-lined cloud in the sky to live forever with his vaguely remembered aunts and uncles. If Carmen were to bite the big one, his equivalent would be this blog post.
This guy is Galileo's protractor, the device he used to discover the moon. Oooo lala! As Joe Dimaggio said, "It's the little things that matter," and little treasures like this really set certain museums off more than others.

Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Inside Part

1. Harold Actin, who left the priceless estate, the largest parcel of land in Florence, 57 astounding acres, 5 villas, a garden recognized as a National Treasure, home to a Vasari and a Donatello among thousands of sculptures, carvings, frescos, and seven libraries of 19th and 20th century literature, and that's not even scratching the surface of the majesty, priceless in every non-Mastercard-commercial sense of the word, to NYU didn't even go to NYU.
1(a). If that was confusing the previous owner of La Pietra went to Oxford but left the estate to NYU because he thought NYU would honor the tradition of the place more, being a monolithic, consumptive scholastic monster with endless capital and vaguely imperialist policies.
2. Over the years, nearly all of the royal family of England has vacationed at La Pietra. There is a touching pic of Princess Di and gnarly Charles in the gardens.
3. The libraries contain a first-edition copy of James Joyce's Ulysses, a signed first-edition of D.H. Lawerence's Lady Chatterly's Lover, and huge, Carmen imagines signed collection of Graham Greene books, as he was one of Harold Actin's closest friends.
4. In Europe, black people aren't all pissy about all the wrongs of slavery their distant and most-likely forgotten relatives suffered, and La Pietra has little statuettes of all the negroid, Moor servants. The tour guide assured everyone that no one cares, really.
5. The Villa is a straight museum, and one cannot enter with first wrapping his/her shoes with papery, blue ER booties.
6. La Pietra's three story, winding staircased rotunda has a fountain in the middle with Koi fish in it. This only becomes apparent around halfway up the marble staircase and is greeted with a nice round of ooo, would you look at thats.
7. The guards feed the fish.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
In The Flowers

1. La Pietra was erected in 1467 by the Medici, hotshot Italian bankers. The Medici sold the property to The Caponi, which means castrated rooster in Italian, who lent it out to cousins who sold it to The Sesetti, who sold it to the Actin's who restored it and filled it with endless art and statues and then bequeathed it to NYU.
2. Pre 20th-Century, it was a fun time to have an outdoor stage where families could host parties, concerts, plays. When NYU restored La Pietra's outdoor stage The Royal Shakespeare Company performed featuring DAME JUDI DENCH.
3. The garden's inlays are baroque, but the garden itself is Renaissance-revival. Interesting!
4. During the Renaissance period, whole harvests would be lost in winter and thus walled gardens were constructed to protect against the wind, but after the advent of the railroad, it became much easier to buy imported food and the walled garden was antiquated. The walls remain.
5. In winter, lemons were grown in a special indoor, big-windowed room called a lemon room. The staff at La Pietra still grow the lemons, distributing them to the students in April.
Stay Tuned for The Inside Part of the Tour!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today, Carmen helped out Julian Lionheart from the Office of Student Life with teaching some Freshman in Florence students about how dangerous, dirty, and big-buildinged THE BIG CITY is. His buddy was really nice and Carmen was forced to talk about all the things he misses about TBC. There are too many to list, Two Boots Pizza notwithstanding. Here is a picture of Carmen's favorite reading spot at NYU. He misses this as well.
Modest Mouse is playing Terminal 5 on March 5th 2009. Modest Mouse plays about five shows a year. Modest Mouse's playing at Terminal 5 will not be seen by Carmen. Hopefully none of the members of Modest Mouse fall victim of carpal tunnel or spontaneously combust before next year.
Carmen's Three Favorite Modest Mouse Songs, Recalled Woefully:
1. Parting of the Sensory.
2. Ocean Breathes Salty.
3. People as Places as People.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

1. Wake Up by Arcade Fire
2. Do You Realize by The Flaming Lips
3. "Heroes" by David Bowie
4. The Golden Age by Beck
5. Cassandra Gemini by The Mars Volta
6. Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
7. Staralfur by Sigur Ros
8. Steam Engine by My Morning Jacket
9. Lateralus by Tool
10. Street Spirit (Fade Out) by Radiohead
Common Thematic Elements In Fav Songs That May Or May Not Say Something About Carmen: Conscious Embrace of Experience, Laterally Interactive Duality, Etherealism, Transcendent Relations to: Time, Reality, Inner Caverns of the Self, Dynamism, Persistence of the Soul, Life's Triumph Over Death and It's Manifestations in Both the Quotidian and Profound, The Concept of Infinity, Being Simultaneously Miniscule and Massive, Modern Theological Pastiches, and Outer Space.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Research Shows: Bird Not The Word

Worst Super-Bowl Commercials Ever. Ever. Ever. Aside from the careerbuilder.com one, most were either lifeless and boring or appeared to be Powerpoint presentations.
Max Weinberg can really keep a beat.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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