#2 Staralfur by Sigur Ros

#3 Brother Sport by Animal Collective
Nowadays, originality is rare. Nowadays, what people deem original is thievery billed under a different name and shown in the right lighting. Yet, Animal Collective is wholly, confoundingly original. Few songs are composed of intergalactic jungle beats backing a heartsick boy's choir with lyrics like monolith haiku, plus man-child howls. What arises is as phantasmagoric as it is simple, as accessible as it is obtuse. By the song's mantric outro, the listener is so awash with disorientation and physical/mental overload that the disparate emotions begin to bind and converge and by the time the song fades out you're at a point of complete cohesion because originality demands nothing less.
Everyone you know has no idea. Everyone you know sells themselves short. Everyone you know is floating in space. Everyone you know can cry from happiness. Everyone you know someday will die. Everyone you know will say goodbye. Everyone you know will let life pass them by. Everyone you know will let everything good go to waste. Everyone you know will see only darkness in night and you have to realize that night is just day without light.

#4 Do You Realize? By The Flaming Lips