The Big City is, by far, the Earth's most awesomestiest city, but Paris is probably the prettiest. French people are also the nicest of the European ilk, being completely forgiving and understanding of C+S's boorish and innate penchants for guns, snake boots and appended spurs, multi-gallon cowboy hats, professional wrestling, and, of course, Nickelback. They were cordial in their crepes creation, 1664 pouring, and offerings of tiny Eiffel Towers were plentiful and annoying, and all this coalesced to make the cobblestones seem a little more cobbled, the streetlights warmer, brighter, and the berets beretiful.

Parks were top-notch. Carmen is into flowing greens and manicured landscapes in a big way and Paris offered these in bulging bountiful baskets that require amazing amounts of alliterative astuteness to even convey, rightfully. C+S's first full day there was stellar on all atmospheric fronts, topping out at 67F with minimal cloud coverage and optimal good-feeling, inner, sun-induced vibrations.

Don't be fooled by this picture! Carmen isn't actually as tall as the first rung of the Eiffel Tower. He is simply closer (in the foreground) to the photographer (S.A.R.) than the Eiffel Tower is (in the background). Perception, like most things, is relative. If Carmen were a 50-foot manchild, he would use his powers for good.

Although S.A.R is a staunch atheist, she isn't one to overlook a church's architectural virtues. Inside Notre Dame, people abused the banned flash photograph and a gypsy woman made strange equine sounds with her lips and there was NO HUNCHBACK at all. AT ALL.

This pretty church/garden setup was the setting for C+S's magnificent crepes breakfasts. The bundled French children played. Conversations trailed off. Warm breezes passed through the tress and once again all was all right. Huzzah.
i get that a lot.
Get a room.
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