Since weathering the calamitous effects of reverse-culture shock, CP has been blessed with a lot of time to reflect on requisite mind junk that gets all muddled between the ears and screams for sorting; including and not limited to his once sour relationship with the Radiohead song "House of Cards." Upon the release of
In Rainbows, Carmen cited HOC as a low-point, a mired, superfluous track that disrupted the album's overarching flow and demanded almost a .8 drop on his infamous rating system: "The Strawberry Criterion." If prompted this CP would have most likely described the track as, "a total suckfest that sullies all its bordering tracks with its suck and pretty much fistfraks itself for the entirety of its five minute twenty-eight second run time." Shockingly, he was wrong. When examining HOC as a stand-alone track, it becomes easier to admire its ambiance, the hypnotic guitarring and swirling woo's. Lyrically HOC holds its own against cerebral-detonators like "Videotape" and "Bodysnatchers," while in no way surpassing the aforementioned, it still manages to convey that sometimes we build mountains of worry on foundations of hot air. What the listener is left with is a song that's nowhere near as superfluous as "Faust A.R.P." or as drab as the first three minutes of "All I Need," but at the same time never aspires for the sonic brilliance of "Reckoner" or "Jigsaws Falling Into Place." So you can see how one can mistake the thing.
This will never turn into a video blog.
Youtube gives Carmen's computer panic attacks.
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