The gym on campus is more than adequate! Carmen feels beyond cool using his PERFECT-PUSHUP TRAVEL KIT.
Carmen's second class of the day is 3.5 hours long and conducted fully in Italian. This is interesting because Carmen speaks Italian on the level of a glue-eating pre-K Italian boy that's unsure of himself. No joking the class is really 3.5 hours long. No joking the teacher doesn't even hint at English. Luckily, the class ((of 6 students) renowned since it had a single student last semester) meets in a second floor room at Villa Ulivi that is 80% windows and overlooks the entire grounds and most of the city of Florence. During the sunset other teachers came in to awe-gaze. Two students took pictures. Every week Carmen has to read a novel in Italian, then analyze the novel for 3.5 hours with only 5 other students to act as time-sucking crutches. Carmen is going to look into making it a pass-fail. The sunset is so picturesque it renders postcards unto grotesqueries. It's a sight to behold.
In honor of LOST tonight, TCS has supplied an interesting link to get everyone excited: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Jackface.
Thanks to NS for opening CP's eyes to a band called the Wrens. They wrote a song entitled "Boys You Won't" that is so unfathomably good that Carmen's ears spray Vesuvian geysers of blood every time he listens. Helping each other is great isn't it?
For all the talk of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA's entrance into the purported post-racial utopia, everyone during the inauguration sure seemed to talk about absolutely nothing (0) besides BHO's blackness. Shout outs to the girls who explicitly detailed how to bypass the security checkpoints on CNN. The inauguration of the first half-white President is a big deal. The government did a super job of overloading the broadcast with overtly symbolic demonstrations of how much things are "changing" and the decrepitude of the previous administration and the non-decrepitude of the entering one. Cheney in a wheelchair. The zombified GHWB. Obama showing W. how to correctly get into a helicopter. Laura Bush's Jedi outfit. The subtext abounds. Nevertheless, B.O. can write the frothing volcanoes out of a speech. Can't wait until Oliver Stone and Denzel Washington hook up in 2010 for BARACK. I still prefer William Henry Harrison's acceptance speech, though. May American History's most long-winded, short-termed, and ironic President ride on comets and eat only homemade dinners and play pool with Sinatra and George Carlin and call heaven his eternal home forevermore. Amen.
1 comment:
TCS... I understood what it meant almost immediately... He sent it to me also it is quite a sight... A similar game is played yet with Kiefer Sutherland faces in 24...
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