Italy sees heavy rainfall. Refreshing naps are taken. Carmen meets Virginia Tech acquaintance Tom Muscarella and scales a large majority of the stairs to the enclosed observation deck of the Duomo. The stairs are ancient and graffitied and winding and endless. Due to rain Carmen's camera could not make the trip, and thus he did not scale the cathedral in its entirety. Fun Fact: Carmen is an acrophobe. The entire thing is painted, exquisitely and grandiosely. How someone crafted the dome's sedan-sized depictions of heaven and hell pre-Ipod is a marvel unto itself. Satan was there chomping on Judas and Co. Upon his return to the Duomo his camera will capture the moments, his feet will conquer all 467 stairs, but for now this photo of what may be Piazza della Liberta will have to suffice. Looking good!
Carmen finished "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" and highly recommends it to all soul-havers.
Congratulations are extended to all who voted for Carmen's Impending Demise as being Gypsy-centric. Carmen's best gypsy experience so far has to be walking through the parking lot behind the above pictured plaza and seeing a ragtag team of gypsies surrounding a parked car, refusing to move until the frightened Italian inside surrendered his Euros. There's nothing quite like the gift of giving, especially to those gypsies in need.
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