Sunday, January 18, 2009

Do Italians Dream of Electric Grease?

Some things Carmen learned today:
Former suitemate and "The Phantom Tollbooth" Fan Dahyun Lee lives down the hall from him.
Italy appears to shut down on Sunday's for Church/Soccer, which is interesting from both a theological/athletic standpoint and beyond.
On said Sunday's it is very difficult to find your way places and this could result in getting lost for an around an hour trying to find POI.
Italy has its own version of BIG BROTHER aptly titled: Grande Fratello.  It is enthralling. Every girl has artillery tits and cries constantly.  Every guy has hyper-stratified abs and sub abs and never wear shirts and cries constantly.
The toilets flush differently.  Instead of the determined, unidirectional whoosh down the hole there is more of a flopping and thrashing of the water and somehow your waste just disappears!
Here are some interesting translations of North American movie titles into Italian that he observed:
Get Smart: Agente Smart Casino Totale 
YDMWT Zohan: Zohan: Le tutte donne pettino (Zohan, All the women's hair I comb)
Cento Percente Donna in Donna (100% Girl on Girl)
The only David Foster Wallace book translated into Italian (that he could find) is "Westward the Course of the Empire Takes Its Way" which is his least favorite anything David Foster Wallace wrote and this made him :(
Lost is on at 5 A.M.
The TV is broken and he cannot watch the Cardinals win.

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