Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lo Scerzo Infinito (The Infinite Joke)

Carmen found INFINITE JEST translated into Italian and said YaYYY.  The translation face rapes the structure and tonality, as far as Carmen can tell.  They tried their best though.  They being all three of the translators.  "I am in here (pg. 1)." becomes "I am here within (pg. 15)." Still some of the better $42 Carmen has ever spent.  Turns out a demand for books exists in Europe, hence a $6 book in heaven is worth $42 in Europa.  The Italians in the bookstore were so awesomely, indelibly rude it was funny.

Italians don't believe in the 1st floor.  There is a zero floor.  When you enter a building, you enter the zero.  Basements are designated the -1 floor.  Carmen believes this says something about optimism and pessimism, but maybe not.

Carmen's International Finance class has five people in it, total, including Carmen.  His teacher rides a Vespa to class and says the Danish are morons for not entering the European Union. Between Villa Natalia (Carmen's house) and Villa Ulivi (his classes' house) there is a monstrously steep hill.  It sits at about 65°.  If it weren't 60°F out and raining there could be some serious, Castle Park-esque sledding going on.

Interested in skinny jeans and/or overly exclamatory acknowledgements of things?  Run your eyes over NGQRK's new blog: http://nickrkok.blogspot.com

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