Wednesday, April 15, 2009

bayonet trails rust propellors await

Once a year Carmen is blessed with the crazed, phantasmagoric gift of a new Mars Volta CD.  While the album doesn't come out until June, popular demand demands that CP give an insightful and speculative rundown of the disc's tracklist, which will simply consist of looking the bizarre, archaic song titles up in the dictionary.  Sacrifices must be made for pure, blistering sonic genius.  For starters the album, Octahedron (a three dimensional shape possessing eight place faces), offers up eight (hence the titular prefix) new tracks of indulgent, abstract, confounding and enlightening and mind-erasing madness, clocking in as the shortest TMV CD ever (49 minutes), and having a lead single eerily reminiscent in title to a Kelly Clarkson song, and song titles that contain neither Latin, Spanish, portmanteau monstrosities or demon-possessed gibberish.

1. Since We've Been Wrong: See?
2. Teflon: Polytetrafluoroethylene
3. Halo of Nembutals: The drug pentobarbital sodium (LOOK at the title of this song)
4. With Twilight as My Guide: The closest this band ever got to a intelligible song title was "Drunkship of Lanterns."
5. Cotopaxi: The world's highest active volcano, located in Ecuador.
6. Desperate Graves: Other song titles include: Roulette Dares (The Haunt of), Cygnus...Vismund Cygnus, and Tetragrammaton
7. Copernicus: Polish astronomer who developed model of planets revolving around the sun.
8. Luciforms: Forms of light.

What do these new comprehensible song titles denote?  Only time will tell, until then, magic:


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