Saturday, February 28, 2009

As of Late, What Carmen Has Been Absorbing


Oblivion-David Foster Wallace (in progress)-David Foster Wallace's most consistent story collection.  A decidedly, purposefully dense book whose stories range from 3-150 pages.  Almost bereft of dialogue, the stories suck up perceived reality and decoct it and spew it back with such observational fervor that twenty-page long paragraphs are almost justified.  "Good Old Neon" and "Incarnations of Burned Children" are the two stand-outs.  The first story, "Mr. Squishy" is a relative low point, as the story comes, very slowly, to an unsatisfying climax, especially in respect to the subject matter: a focus group administrator's forlorn love set against the backdrop of a mysterious figures suction cup climb to the FGA's building.  Carmen also recommends, "The Soul is Not A Smithy," an ADD-afflicted adult's reflections on how his third grade long-term substitute teacher went straight bonkers during class one day.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man/Love Letters-James Joyce-As with Ulysses, but to a happily lesser extent, Carmen wasn't blown away by the book, aside from Part III, which is some of the greatest writing the English language has ever seen.  Carmen can admire how JJ shows the gestation of the authorial mind and his dealings with the BIG QUESTIONS, but enjoying these things is a very different beast indeed.

Americana-Don Delillo-The first 50 pages of Don Delillo's Underworld make Tolstoy look like Stephanie Meyer.  It  semi-interesting watch his eventual, incredible voice work its way out in this, his first novel.  That said, the second half of the book has no story, and it still manages to be somehow better than most everything out there.


Crack the Skye-Mastodon-This is shaping up to be the best metal album since Tool's flawless Lateralus.  Carmen procured a leaked version from CTS, his "in" to the industry and an electronic pirate of sorts.  Don't worry, Carmen had already pre-ordered the album, and thus will not be going to hell for stealing the album, but for one billion other unrelated infractions.  The Czar explodered Carmen's skull from the outside in.

Merriweather Post-Pavilion-Animal Collective-CP hates hipsters/scene people, but these hipsters/scene people wrote "Brother Sport," "For Reverend Green," and "Fireworks," AND perform under monikers such as Panda Bear.   


Californication-A show of untold funniness with preposterous storylines and, irrefutably, the worst title sequence in television history.  Hooray for any program that gives work to anyone from "Luckie Louie."  Sometimes objective critical analysis proves hard for CP, as he must discern if the show is actually good or his transcendent love of David Duchovny is simply blinding him to the show's flaws.  Probably a mix of both, Carmen thinks.

Carnivale-Carmen will watch anything that presents carnies, magic, side shows, mysticism, and bearded women in any medium, and so should you.

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