Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In The King Of The One, The Blind Man-Eyed is Land


Creativity is man's highest faculty.  Within a true artist rests the ability to bridge the physical and spiritual barriers that exist between him and his fellow man, where he taps into a wondrousness not of this world, where he leaves himself and fuses with silent divinity, where his creation of art becomes almost unconscious, a flurry of genius balletic movements calling forth the infinite lives behind the most banal of objects, illuminating unbridled beauty to the masses with kaleidoscopic brilliance.  James Joyce drunk at the typewriter.  Gretzsky's wrist shot.  Jesus sermoning.  Kobe.  Pollack drunk on the canvas.  Mozart.  Ted Bundy offing people on a cool summer's eve.  The list goes on.  Demonstrated above is one such bout of celestially gorgeous vomitus.  Absorb.

Another victory was logged today against things that are unlawfully unattractive.  On 2/17/09 Chrystler announced its discontinuation of the PT Cruiser.  Remember to celebrate 2/17 with your friends and family, recalling the hard times, the before time, when these monstrosities prowled through your very own hometown streets, TJ MAXX parking lots, and your nightmares.

Nobody likes whiners, especially when said whiners allow Tyler Perry to represent them in even the most remote fashion, but if this cartoon isn't secretly overtly racist then Optimus Prime isn't a big truck that can transform into a big robot.

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